China Lake 350 – Nov. 5-6, 2022
Enjoy the roads and trails around China Lake, California, at your own pace.

A self-guided, GPS-based Dual-Sport tour, the China Lake 350 will run two days starting Nov. 5, 2022.
On Saturday, you’ll ride through the Searles and Panamint Valleys to Panamint Springs via downtown Ballarat. After a gas and lunch stop, take the old Toll Road through Darwin Canyon and maybe a side trip to China Garden through Darwin to Dirty Sox Hot Spring.
Then you’ll cross Owens Lake to Boulder RV Park and up through the Alabama Hills and down to Lone Pine.
On day two, you’ll return through Cerro Gordo, around the south side of Owens Lake to Olancha for gas. Then the track takes you to Coso Junction and on to Ridgecrest, completing your loop around China Lake.
This tour is mostly graded roads with knobby tires being a requirement. Advanced riders on V-Stroms, 950s and GSs are welcome, intermediate riders on DRs, KLRs, XRLs and all other 650 bikes should be fine as well. This tour is perfect for first timers to intermediate riders on Dual Sport bikes.
There’s no attendance limit and walk-ups are welcome. Single riders must agree to ride with at least one buddy, and we can help connect you up with other single riders, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
This ride does include transport of overnight bags to Lone Pine and Back.
Organizer: Dual Sport West
Details: China Lake 350