New Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route Coming
Scouting underway for exciting new Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route.

Since 2010, the adventure motorcycling non-profit Backcountry Discovery Routes (BDR) organization has created several trans-state routes for dual sport and adventure motorcycle travel. Having recently published the North East route, the BDR is heading back West with the announcement of the Wyoming Discovery Route (WYBDR) now under development.
Scheduled for release in February of 2022, the WYBDR will be the 11th adventure motorcycle route developed by the organization. The route will cross the state of Wyoming on primitive dirt roads exploring one of the most remote frontiers in the lower 48 states.

“This route will traverse five different mountain ranges, giving riders an opportunity to experience expansive views from the summit of three different 11,000-foot mountains. The rugged tracks explore vast high-desert regions, cross two major ‘rims’, descend several gorges and pass through many other remote and seldom visited areas,” explains Bryce Stevens, BDR Co-Founder.
Like previous BDRs released, the WYBDR will include a feature-length documentary of the first expedition of the route filmed by Noren Films and produced and distributed by the BDR organization. A high-quality waterproof map of the tracks will be developed in partnership with Butler Motorcycle Maps as a planning resource for riders.

GPS tracks and comprehensive travel resources will be available to the ADV community on the BDR website free-of-charge. The WYBDR film will be screened at motorcycle dealerships, rallies and clubs across the U.S. in 2022, attracting tens of thousands of Enthusiasts.
BDR has partnered with the Wyoming Office of Outdoor Recreation (WyoRec) and the tourism stakeholders of eight counties along the proposed route to ensure enhanced awareness of Wyoming’s unique qualities and increased visibility of Wyoming as a destination for motorcycle tourism. The route will also produce significant positive economic impact on communities and businesses along the WYBDR.

Keep an eye out for more updates leading up to the full release dates.
Completed Backcountry Discovery Routes
- North East Backcountry Discovery Route
- Utah Backcountry Discovery Route
- Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route
- Arizona Backcountry Discovery Route
- New Mexico Backcountry Discovery Route
- Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route
- Washington Backcountry Discovery Route
- Nevada Backcountry Discovery Route
- Mid Atlantic Backcountry Discovery Route
- Southern California Backcountry Discovery Route
Photos by Bryce Stevens
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Wyoming is my home. I’ve lived and ridden here for decades. A WY BDR route is sad news to me. The one thing I really don’t want is more people potentially abusing, and definitely exploiting the local trails I enjoy riding for their solitude in the nation’s least populous state. NIMBY-ism? Maybe. I’m just so over every precious trail being pimped out on YouTube, complete with lat/lon and exactly where, when, and how to do exactly what everyone else is doing. WY BDR is a bummer.
Hi Zolo. All of this new route will be on public roads not on trails. Those who ride and drive our routes know to stay on roads and not damage the landscape. It’s part of our Ride Responsibly campaign which you can read about at We are a non-profit and part of our mission is to help small communities along the routes. It’s been proven over the last decade that these communities benefit and appreciate the additional business. This route passes through fifteen small towns and the counties that these towns are in have supported this project. Showing off how wonderful the state of Wyoming is will bring tourism dollars to the state and help the economy. So sorry that you are bummed by this. We strive for the routes to be a win-win for the local communities and the world-wide community of adventurists.
Hi Bryce. Appreciate your thoughtful response. By way of reply, I would respectfully say you certainly aren’t speaking for all residents and interests of the rural communities BDRs pass through when you claim they “…benefit and appreciate…” their being put on a widely distributed map available at every possible motorcycle shop across the country. BDRs themselves are in large part funded and realized out of business and state/local tourism interests and the resulting partnerships with the BDR organization, correct? And you spoke of tourism and economy. But economic and tourism interests are only two parts–a narrow lens–of hundreds of interests and values which constitute a healthy community. Believe me, living in Jackson Hole I know that. Even if BDRs are seen as good for the local economies they touch and a boon to tourism in those places, what of the experience itself? Getting as many people as possible out on the routes may not be the goal of BDR, but I’m afraid it’s the result, nonetheless. Is it possible, despite its best intentions, BDR is converting remote ADV riding in to another prepackaged American consumer product just ready for millions to pop the top off and devour without any real afterthought of the impacts once the ride is over and the memories have been made? Because that’s how it certainly feels out there in places BDR put “on the map” once the movie is made and the release to the public is done. And then there’s the amplification of the routes and places, intended or otherwise, on social media and through the megaphone of the Internet. Youtube is awash with videos chronicling novice, pro, and for-profit BDR trips, all advertising (whether intended or not) places and routes that formally required the adventure rider to actually do some research and mapping of their own. Reducing, or in many cases of BDR riders, removing altogether the rigor of individual route research or even good old real-life exploring has cheapened the sport and massively impacted the reward of the ADV experience, in my opinion. And as much as BDR’s laudable efforts to teach people to ride responsibly try, unfortunately we all know that increased use (at best) and overcrowding (at worst) always equals ecosystem harm, which must be mitigated by local land management agencies, all too often through restriction and even closure of routes and roads. The alternative to restriction and/or closure is often paving and improving formerly remote roads, which increases traffic even more, and damages even more of the ecosystems they traverse. The UT BDR is a perfect example of how exposing those rural routes on a platform the size that BDR possesses has, in my opinion and those of others I ride with, ruined the solitary experience of riding in Utah’s beautiful backcountry locations. Utah’s routes are simply PACKED now, with the din and traffic only increasing the closer one gets to any point on the UT BDR itself. Coincidence? I think not. I LOVE to ride. I get it. And I’m happy for folks like yourself, Tom Myers, and Paul Guillien who’ve turned your passion in to what you do for a living. Being the scout for new BDR routes?? You have a dream gig, Bryce! And everyone deserves equal access to their public lands. I would simply submit that you might consider whether BDRs are actually helping the industry most, at the cost of the “souls” of the sport, the experience, and the beautiful lands we get to ride in this amazing place. At the very least, know that there are lots more people like me out here who aren’t always stoked to see wild, remote places turned in to a gold-rush-of-sorts, no matter how pure the intentions.
Why did I know Zolo was Jackson Hole via California before he told us he was from Jackson Hole? Heads up Zolo, the rest of Wyoming hates you D-bags
I can’t wait. Having driven to the Tetons, Yellowstone, the Winds, I’ve often wanted to ride Wyoming’s back roads to get to them, but my mapping skills are only so-so for trips larger than a backpacking or climbing trip. After riding 4 BDRs I can say that BDR’s and Butler Maps mapping and routing are perfect for someone who wants to explore more, but may not know how to begin. On each trip I’ve taken they have truly shown me the heart of each state without getting me in over my head- too far – which, as a solo rider I really appreciate. And the people living in every town I’ve passed through, bought a gallon of gas from, served me a cheeseburger, have been wonderful and appreciative. I have no doubt the experience of Wyoming will be amazing. Thanks for all you do.
When I open this email the other day I was astounded at what I read about the negativeness of the BDR coming to Wyoming by local motorcycle riders. When I set up local motorcycle trail rides even on some of my private trails. I felt really good watching all the riders that came and rode them. The enjoyment they had left me with a really good feeling of accomplishment and the camaraderie of fellow riders. I guess there’s a woke mob in Wyoming that thinks they own the trails and roads. Whenever I enter to isolated town I was always greeted with very friendly people that are glad to see people enjoying their back country. I’m sure the length of their responses if you did run into these walk people they would have your ear and wouldn’t shut up. I guess this is the new America
Paul, you will notice that the woke people tend to be from a specific area, and most of those people moved in from somewhere else anyway. If you come through my town we will greet you in a friendly manner and offer you a beer and a burger or help you fix your flat or whatever issue you have.
Hi Justin. Do you also live in WY?
I figured someone might eventually try to paint my feelings as “typical Jackson.” And I get that; Jackson deserves a fair share of eye rolling on many issues.
FWIW, my roots are UT and small, rural communities in WY and ID that are NOT Jackson. Though I’ve lived in Jackson for 20 years, it’s been in subsidized housing (the only possible way mere mortals can afford Jackson), and I work for local government. I’m not rich or famous, though I do work on “woke,” which has helped me not to assume too much about people I don’t know.
Just wanted to say there are lots of simple, “normal” people in the sport who love riding, will always stop to help others, respect the land, AND worry about it getting thronged by overexposure.
Still, I respect your viewpoints and I’m glad you’re happy about WY BDR.
Hi Paul. Appreciate your point of view. You’re right about seeing people enjoy the sport. It’s amazing how fun it is to ride in beautiful places. If caring about the places we ride in is “woke,” then I certainly hope I’m woke. And I do own the trails and roads in my area. So do you, and so does every other citizen. I’m not interested in talking your ear off about it on the trail, though. And my lengthy post above was simply my desire to take advantage of having a co-founder of BDR reply to my thoughts. I wanted to just let the BDR know not everyone thinks their mission, as pure-hearted as it may be, translates the way they might think it does in to reality. Still, I realize that in the sport over the last decade my POV might be a minority one, and I respect your right to feel how you do.
I work for a federal land agency as a Contact Representative (Customer service, concierge) and ride a 2004 950 Adventure. How can I help out?
Zolo –
Yes I live in WY. Given your response I think we’d get along just fine talking about dirtbikes over a beer or three, or better yet, riding them.