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ADV PreppingWatch Rider’s Scary Moment With Oncoming Pickup Truck

Watch Rider’s Scary Moment With Oncoming Pickup Truck

Rider comes face-to-face with truck grill in blind turn - what went wrong?

Published on 07.01.2019

If you ask a motorcycle rider why they crashed, their depictions usually include a little hyperbole, some heroics, and a few reasons why they were forced to “lay it down.” But today’s prevalence of action cams and dash-cams are keeping motorcycle riders honest.

Maybe you can relate to this rider. One minute you’re riding your motorcycle down a lonely dirt road, loving life – you are the master of your machine. After not seeing a soul for a while, you begin to feel like you are the only one on the trail. Then at once, you are snapped into the sobering realization that you’re about to crash into the grill of an oncoming pickup truck as you come around a blind corner too fast. You’ve got only seconds to decide how to save yourself. But no matter what you do, you’re sliding uncontrollably towards the truck heading right at you, and there’s seemingly nothing you can do about it.


Perhaps you or somebody you know has been in this situation? As a medic and rider coach, I’ve seen this situation unfold too often. But I have also seen huge improvements in riders’ performance once aware of their natural tendencies in times of extreme stress. Let’s take a light-hearted look at this unfortunate lad’s incident and see what we can learn by breaking it down.

Dual sport motorcycle crash caught on dashcam video

1) Too Fast: About 2 seconds elapse between the time the truck comes into view and the time he strikes the bumper. His bike traveled quite a distance before he made contact with the truck but at that speed there wasn’t much time to react to the situation. Slowing down would have bought him some precious time.

2) Target Fixation: Once he realized he was in trouble, his eyes fixated on the chrome-plated Ram emblem charging him. Had he used the first moment of the incident to find a safer path to be with his eyes, essentially refocusing the natural tendency to target fixate, he may have had a better chance of avoiding the collision. It takes a lot of discipline to take one’s eyes off of the threat and create another possible exit, especially in those moments of extreme stress. But that’s exactly the skill that needs to be cultivated if you are to save yourself in these moments. It bears repeating — Your bike goes where your eyes go!

3) Panic Braking: Lots of brakes, but why am I not stopping!?!? Most likely, his panic response is tied to his right foot like it would be in a car. This kind of unconscious response translates all too often on a motorcycle to an uncontrollable rear wheel slide, very common results that you can see in the video. Remember that it’s the front brakes which hold 90% of your ability to effectively scrub speed. Applying light pressure on the front brake may have allowed the rider to hold a tighter line and avoid the crash, or he could have even come to a controlled stop before making contact.

Dual sport motorcycle crash caught on dashcam video

Dual sport motorcycle crash caught on dashcam video
Riding off after the accident. A scary experience, but luckily the rider came through with no major injuries.

Thankfully, the rider was not seriously injured – it could have ended much worse if the speed of the truck had been faster. The driver, Jim Boone, offers sage advice for off-road travel, “always drive as if the guy coming around the corner thinks he is the only one on the road.”

Have you been in this situation before? Leave a note in the comments on how you’ve made similar mistakes or used techniques to avoid blind turn mishaps. Also, check out this article for more on how our brains are wired to crash.

Photos and video courtesy of

Author: Sharif Massoud

Sharif has been a 911 paramedic since 2001 and has worked for both Ventura and Los Angeles counties. As a paramedic, his duties have allowed him to work in an ambulance, SAR Helicopter and motorcycle detail. He is currently a sweep-rider and head paramedic for RawHyde Adventures, and is also a Clinical Instructor at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Author: Sharif Massoud

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July 1, 2019 11:47 am

A few years ago transport Canada tested several bikes to measure braking percentages and the range was 68-82% front, depending on bike style. Where the heck you got 90% is beyond me. I’ve been training for decades and NEVER heard that malarkey. Also, eyes don’t “go” anywhere, they “look”.

July 1, 2019 11:58 am
Reply to  Jefe.

While it may be not that true for dirt, it is true for pavement. Hell I have been in braking situations where my rear tire has been skimming the ground during braking… Almost all of the braking at that point is the front wheel and the back is just keeping the thing in line.

Mark P.
Mark P.
July 1, 2019 12:21 pm
Reply to  Jefe.

@jefe actually 90% is generally accepted to be the contribution of the front brakes but can vary depending on the style of bike and terrain. But keep pounding your chest smh.

Sharif Massoud
Sharif Massoud
July 1, 2019 3:47 pm
Reply to  Jefe.

Jefe, I appreciate your passion for accuracy.

As a trainer, you must run in small circles if you have NEVER heard such things?
Perhaps you should begin writing as a form of expression? Sounds like you need a healthy outlet… I can put you in touch with the editor if you feel you can do better… It won’t be too difficult for you. Just be prepared for overly agressive criticism from pseudonyms with big opinions.

July 2, 2019 5:30 am
Reply to  Sharif Massoud

MSF coursework said 70F/30R as I recall. A 1994 study said the most a rear could supply is 30 to 40% and I suspect that 40% is based on long-wheelbase cruisers. But this is all straight-line deceleration on pavement, and has about diddly to do with the video.

Jeremiah Mckenna
Jeremiah Mckenna
July 2, 2019 3:51 pm
Reply to  Jefe.

Your eyes go left, right, up, down and close or far. Your body will then follow.

Pat Clair
Pat Clair
July 1, 2019 1:30 pm

My first thought was target fixation. Many drivers report “I saw him and he immediately turned directly into me.” Now this guy’s momentum would take him to the outside of the curve, but it was still directly into the truck as the truck did move some to its right. Like the article said, a small change in braking , and I’ll add maybe some counter steering, and the rider might have been able to escape to his right – even if he just held his line? Unlike head-on cars, a moto doesn’t need as much space to slide through. We know that grabbing brakes hard in a curve straightens the bike up and throws you outside. The question in this scenario is how to get even further right, in a hurry! . Please understand I’m not criticizing the rider or saying “I could have escaped.” Not at all. I’m just thinking, for my own future benefit. I watch a lot of crash vids, and some of escapes when they’re posted, and I treat them like game films – to be studied. Then I try to practice quick stops and maneuvers, very consciously. I’m not a pro, a master, or a stunt rider. Just an older rider trying to pull the odds a little more in my direction. So happy the guy was ok; I have pulled my bike out from under a rear bumper, and rode it away. I processed that one very thoroughly as well, and I’m still riding. Cheers all, Ride Smart!

Todd William Gardner
Todd William Gardner
July 1, 2019 2:38 pm

A) that bike looks very much like a KTM 4- Stroke… immediately after the throttle is closed is when the engine braking begins and it is already skidding…
B) no legit dirt bike rider is going to jack a front brake in gravel…both brakes evenly on that stuff
C) 2-seconds is not enough time to get stopped at that speed anyway… he was better off hanging to the inside and take his chances with that big mirror on that dodge truck
D) the truck driver was going fast too… and from the looks of that guy, we was an older guy with probably slowed reactions….
E) cool crash though…

July 1, 2019 10:06 pm

The truck was going like 15 mph…

Paul Girard
Paul Girard
July 2, 2019 10:26 am
Reply to  Guest

I also believe the truck was driving slow enough.

July 3, 2019 4:28 am
Reply to  Paul Girard

Lol, yeah i literally thought; well at least the truck is keeping an easy speed. That probably saved him.

James Campbell
James Campbell
July 2, 2019 7:46 am

Even with the added protection of having a truck around him, the pickup driver was not operating at an excessive speed for the conditions. Who was operating their vehicle at excessive speed? The one with the most to lose in an accident.. I’m always annoyed by injured riders who only mention what the OTHER vehicle did to cause the injury accident, yet make NO mention of their own actions that increased their injury risk. Speeding and lane changing on roads with numerous business enterances/exits for example.

Paul Girard
Paul Girard
July 1, 2019 3:15 pm

Welcome to Nevada. If it’s not a rancher in a pickup truck, a SXS, or another rider hauling ass on the wrong side of the road, this is my life almost any weekend. The moral of the story is slow the fu*k down in blind corners and knolls. Not the first time I’ve seen this happen.

July 1, 2019 10:07 pm
Reply to  Paul Girard

Truck was going slow, not at fault at all.

Paul Girard
Paul Girard
July 2, 2019 10:24 am
Reply to  Guest


September 20, 2019 2:49 pm
Reply to  Guest

The truck didn’t do the rider any favors by steering to the right where the rider was heading, could’ve been a big help going hard left in the sage brush, the rider may have been able to stay upright into and through the brush

Paul Hoglund
Paul Hoglund
July 1, 2019 6:33 pm

As a rider, I’ve had something similar happen several times. Fortunately, I’ve been able to avoid a collision each time, though a couple have been close calls. My advice to new riders on trails/roads with potential opposing traffic, is to always have an ‘escape route’. Keep an eye open to where’d your going to go if you meet somebody going the other way.

July 7, 2019 5:12 pm
Reply to  Paul Hoglund


Robert Broderick
Robert Broderick
July 6, 2019 7:07 am

First thought is target fixation . When entering a blind corner who thinks the escape route is to go left ? The truck driver moved to his right and if the rider did the same this would be a non-story . On or off road riding faster than your line of sight will at sometime bite you .

July 7, 2019 3:44 am

Too fast if he can’t control that bike. Over-reacted and crossed over to the wrong side of the road.

July 7, 2019 5:11 pm

Been there on the tarmac, a heavy 750 Yamaha sliding into the corner (yes I was distracted) just about to meet with a pickup and instantly realizing that braking wasn’t going to solve my problem. So, as you suggested, I let my eyes GO to the roadside and decided running up a bank and crashing through a pasture fence was a better option than the grill. So I took my foot off the brake, which allowed the bike to straighten up, and went up the embankment. Going up the bank oddly enough reduced my speed so that I now had a new option, turn parallel to the road and ride into the turn ON the embankment. Seemed better than the fence.
As fate would have it the truck went by below me, with all passengers yelling and smiling at my stupidity and I then rode back down the bank to the road, missed a couple big rocks that somehow didn’t even trash my exhaust pipes, downshifted, and went on my way . . . pulling over to let the adrenaline wear off a little further down the road. Can’t remember the song I was humming to myself going into the turn. I’ve been riding my entire life (72 now) and I’d say looking where you want to go requires practice and should be taught in riding schools. Ouch! The other option is to learn as you go which also works but may be much more painful. Good luck and may god protect us all who choose 2 wheels to enjoy life.

Pat Clair
Pat Clair
July 17, 2019 9:40 pm
Reply to  Dave

Laughing at pulling over a bit down the road to let the adrenaline flush out. Ain’t that the truth. Been there plenty, in 4 wheels and on 2. Like you somehow manage as you described through the event, but 15 seconds later you convulse like a frickin seizure! Seizure with a big smile, that is

Wes [ Wes Mills.] Full name NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
Wes [ Wes Mills.] Full name NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
July 17, 2019 8:11 pm

Hi Everyone —– What a wonderful Video to send to younger riders to watch and study —– And also hopefully they are “Smart ” enough to read these comments written by some older blokes who pass on true life experience & riding skills.—— I am a 72 year old retired motorcycle mechanic by trade.—— I still ride often both paved roads and off road — my off road is mainly very mountainous loose gravel with very steep climbs ——– On the dirt I mainly ride a little wonderful bike called a Kawasaki Super Sherpa —– It is a little 250 cc adventure style bike.—— To lock the rear wheel up coming down a very steep gravel incline is near impossible —— It is designed for that type of riding ——- What I am getting at is know your bike ! Know what it can do & how it reacts to how you operate it. ——– Young DIRT BIKE riders should go bush where they know that there is ‘ NO ‘ other traffic and feel their bike —– try all different things —— Feel how both brakes effects the bike ETC —— Fast riders are not all way the best riders.—–Now back to the video —— I watched it many times and there is a lot going on if you study it closely —— No 1.Counter steer is real it does exist — not so much on the dirt but on a paved road yes !—– Especially for road bikes with road tyres — 2. Target Fixation also is real VERY VERY REAL and if you look at that video the rider did nothing except stare at the pick-up and stomp HARD on the brakes. —– Where your eyes look is where that bike is going to TAKE YOU.. ——For young riders it is hard to look away from danger— First you need to know about ” Target Fixation ” then you have to train yourself to look away from the enemy ! — When I ride I am continually saying to myself ” Keep your mind on the JOB ! ” —- If you want to look at the country side ” Hop on a Bus ! ” —- Don’t do it on a dirt bike at speeds. 3. Now if I had a hemp sugar bag sitting on a bench and I asked you to close your eyes and stick your hand into the bag ! —— how many people do you think would do it.——– Well why is this young rider speeding around a blind bend [Lots of vegetation on the inside of the bend ] .—— He can’t see very far down the road —- ” RIDE TO / FOR THE CONDITIONS ” —– You adjust your speed to the distance that you have clear vision of.——- 4. RIDER ATTITUDE ! —— Road rider / Dirt rider — WHAT WORKS FOR ONE MIGHT NOT WORK FOR THE OTHER 5. I hope that the young rider is over it and has got back on the horse ! —– As for the pick-up driver I consider that he reacted very quickly to the situation and showed compassion to the rider NOT ANGER ! Who knows ? the pick up driver may have had a few dirt bikes in the rear tray of that pick up.——- OK THE LITTLE TALK IS FINISHED ———————————- Wes from ” DOWNUNDER ” in AUSTRALIA. ———————————————————————————————————————-P/S. I HAVE BEEN TO SOME AMAZING MOUNTAINOUS LOCATIONS AND I MUST SAY THAT IT IS MY ” SHERPA ‘ THAT MUST RECEIVE THE CREDIT FOR GETTING THERE.SAFELY ——- At 72 years I am still learning how to become a GREAT bike rider ——–YOU MUST Learn something every time you throw a leg over a motorcycle —— If you follow my suggestions you too can be riding at 72 years ! ————– Cheers Wes


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