Overland Adventure Rally – Jul. 6-8, 2018
Ride 200+ Km of Ontario's best Niagara Escarpment roads.

Lawrence Hacking’s Overland Adventure Rally returns again this year after a successful event in 2017. The rally will take you through more than 200 kilometers of beautiful roads across the best Grey County roads in Ontario.
The Grey Discovery Challenge is designed to be the ultimate one-day adventure ride. We have selected the best and most picturesque roads in the area and linked them together to maximize the enjoyment of the ride. The major road crossings are all at lighted intersections of safety reasons.
The gravel and pavement route is 220 kilometers and takes about 4.5 hours riding time. It can be followed by either your own GPS, use the Rally raid style road book or you can ride in a group with a leader.
When you register you will be given a scorecard. On the card there are 20 questions plus a GS Challenge score. The intent of the 20 questions is to act as a tiebreaker and encourage interacting with the numerous people and sponsors who are at the Overland Adventure Rally. The questions are selected so they cannot be answered by a simple Google search.
The GS Challenge is a skills competition presented by S.M.A.R.T. Training Programs, Dual Sport Plus and Clinton Smout. Examples of the skills will be balancing on a trials bike, riding over a log, swat the balloon, water carrying contest, etc. Once you arrive back at the finish line, turn in your card to the registration crew. They will input your score, return your scorecard and give you a finishers sticker.
The Overland Adventure Rally includes not only some fun riding but also lots of other engaging activities. Included in the festivities will be BBQ dinners, an Industry Expo as well as test rides. Expected to make an appearance is Lyndon Poskitt, host of the video series ‘Races to Places’.
To see full event details click here.