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ADV NewsEwan and Charley Spotted Filming Long Way Up on Electric Harleys

Ewan and Charley Spotted Filming Long Way Up on Electric Harleys

First Photos Emerge of Long Way Up Harley-Davidson LiveWire Adventure.

Published on 09.15.2019

Things are getting real in Patagonia for the Long Way Up cast and crew as photos posted to Instagram this weekend show Ewan McGregor leaving Ushuaia on an already muddied-up blue Harley-Davidson LiveWire. 

Two of the photos were taken alongside the Perito Francisco Moreno, the low road that departs Ushuaia heading east, a location we were able to pinpoint exactly thanks to the magic of google maps. Presumably the crew had pulled over to set up for footage with the city in the background before the road joins Highway 3, which is the main route out of town.  

We’ve confirmed a third shot going around the internet showing Ewan with Charley and cameraman Claudio von Planta in the background was taken outside the Hotel Lagos del Calafate, 540 miles north of Ushuaia. The photo in El Calafate was snapped by a local who supplied ADV Pulse with additional angles. The fact the team was in El Calafate late last week suggests they are moving at a fast pace. 

Ewan with Charley and cameraman Claudio von Planta in the background outside the Hotel Lagos del Calafate, 540 miles north of Ushuaia.


The only thing offbeat about these photos are the LiveWires, brand new and totally unproven zero-emission electric bikes from Harley-Davidson. We can see they are kitted with wire-spoked wheels, windscreens, engine guards, highway pegs, skidplates and auxiliary lights, as well as Wolfman’s Rocky Mountain saddlebags and Enduro Fender Bags. The tail sections also appear to be reworked in order to accomodate luggage racks and a higher rear fender. Up front, the stock fenders have been swapped for ones with more coverage.

The LiveWire bikes are kitted with wire-spoked wheels, windscreens, engine guards, highway pegs, skidplates, auxiliary lights and soft luggage.

Ewan is sporting an Arai XD4 crossover helmet equipped with a Sena 30k communicator and flush-mounted video camera that might be a Sena Prism in an aftermarket cradle. Another camera, a GoPro, is mounted next to the headlight. His jacket is a waxed-leather Turner from Belstaff and gloves are Gore-Tex Universe from Dianese. 

And those huge handlebar muffs! Being at the bottom of the Southern Hemisphere, winter is just turning to spring in Argentina with temperatures in the region this week ranging from just below freezing to a high of 41°F. Brrr is right, and on those electric bikes that give them less than 100 highway miles per charge, any electric gear will need to be independently charged. No problem though, since as previous spy shots showed, their chase crew includes two 4×4 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans and a single Ford F350 (as well as two electric-powered Rivian pickups). 

Many adventure riders scoffed at the news McGregor and Boorman would be riding e-bikes (especially Harley-Davidson models) on their Long Way Up from Tierra del Fuego to Los Angeles, assuming it was all about the financial sponsorship. But when you think about it, any brand would be foolish not to invest in supporting this project, so the choice likely has less to do with cash than it does McGregor’s fascination with the future of EV technology. 

While there may be a lack of off-road antics, this new Long Way installment is certain to be rife with the calamity and candor we’ve come to expect from this duo. Stayed tuned for additional celebrity sightings as their curious journey north continues. 

Author: Jamie Elvidge

Jamie has been a motorcycle journalist for more than 30 years, testing the entire range of bikes for the major print magazines and specializing in adventure-travel related stories. To date she’s written and supplied photography for articles describing what it’s like to ride in all 50 states and 43 foreign countries, receiving two Lowell Thomas Society of American Travel Writer’s Awards along the way. Her most-challenging adventure yet has been riding in the 2018 GS Trophy in Mongolia as Team AusAmerica’s embedded journalist.

Author: Jamie Elvidge

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September 15, 2019 9:53 pm

Likely spent a few days in Ushuaia getting all “Wired Up” LoL May the force be with them

Adam Waite
Adam Waite
September 16, 2019 12:56 am

Can’t wait to see it, just hope that they have a generator on board one of the back up crews vehicles !!

September 16, 2019 1:34 am

Personally, I’ve never been interested in Harley Davidsons (just a personal opinion). However, I think it’s good that these guys are making an electric-powered tour; we will all be riding electric sooner or later, and this film they’re making will, I hope, be informative (so long as it’s honest).

Craig Alberhasky
Craig Alberhasky
September 16, 2019 4:42 am

Bikers that have a problem with electric propulsion just haven’t ridden one. Once ridden they become an obsession.

September 16, 2019 6:15 am

I have a problem with the range on the EV motorcycles.

September 17, 2019 12:24 pm

The same can be said of heroin.

Craig Alberhasky
Craig Alberhasky
September 17, 2019 2:44 pm
Reply to  Hamr

Harley Electric Heroin, once ridden, hooked for life.

October 5, 2019 1:16 pm

Until there are electric charging stations on every corner like gas stations and recharge times are about like a fill-up, electric bikes will be nothing more than what electric cars are…

James Bercot
James Bercot
September 16, 2019 5:27 am

I have no problem with electric propulsion, but with 3 support vehicles,camera crew,spare parts and spare bikes this could hardly be called an ‘adventure’

Arlan Howard
Arlan Howard
September 16, 2019 8:44 am

Still all electric bikes are not worth for long distances. Lithium ion batteries are not good. Need lithium sulfur batteries! I won’t buy those short distance electric bikes. I am sure majority does the same thing. Sellers are very wrong for selling expensive bikes with low batteries.

The moto hobo
The moto hobo
September 16, 2019 10:30 am
Reply to  Arlan Howard

TV travel show aimed at the masses who mostly are naive, havnt got a clue and will lap it up. An avertising, publicity, pr stunt. Seriously, those bikes are just so un practical for long distance travel. But I suppose anything is possible with money time and resources!

Jim Vota
Jim Vota
September 16, 2019 9:53 am

I am very excited to see how these bikes work. Managing them could an adventure, alone. The timing of this is curious. Not sure how much time they are taking to travel. But it seems like the timing could place them going through the lower 48 states, Canada, and Alaska in winter. Do we have any information on the end point of the route?

September 16, 2019 10:03 am
Reply to  Jim Vota

The trip is only South America, North America was covered in Longway Round……

Jamie Elvidge
Jamie Elvidge
September 16, 2019 10:19 am
Reply to  GN

Yes, all accounts say they plan to finishing in Los Angeles.

September 16, 2019 5:39 pm
Reply to  GN

Hate to break the news to you but Mexico is in North America

September 17, 2019 7:56 am
Reply to  Josh

You’re very correct, I should have said the majority of the trip will be South America.

September 16, 2019 10:02 am

To quote from the article: “But when you think about it, any brand would be foolish not to invest in supporting this project, so the choice likely has less to do with cash than it does McGregor’s fascination with the future of EV technology. ”

If Ewan is fascinated with EV technology then why not embrace a company like Zero Motorcycles from California. Zero has been in the EV electric motorcycle market space since 2006. Harley is still in preproduction. Sorry but that line from the story does nothing to counter the opinion of many riders.

Harley has very deep pockets, and this is nothing more than a PR stunt…..I am curious if the bikes that start the trip will be the bikes that finish the trip. My hunch is that Harley will have a slew of bikes at the ready to swap out should the need arise.

September 18, 2019 10:10 am
Reply to  GN

Agree… Wonder if they’ll mention how many HDs they swapped before they reach Cali

Dan Carroll Jr
Dan Carroll Jr
September 16, 2019 11:41 am

Bought my first Harley in 1967 , a ’66 XLCH , have attempted to own the “alphabet” of Motorcycles since , current Bike 2009 XR 1200 (with nitrous , just for grins) I think this is the coolest thing Harley has done in a very long time , worst thing ever ? Killing off Buell !

September 18, 2019 10:14 am
Reply to  Dan Carroll Jr

Absolutely, Best HD’s PR stunt in decades.
As for Ewan and Charlie, worse than involving Ewan’s wife in “Long Way Down”

Long Way Up Documentary Filming – Ewan and Charlie on Electric Harley Livewires | TRMC | Travelers Rest Motorcycle Club
September 17, 2019 7:10 am

[…] has a variety of photos and a good write up about their trip in a recent article if you want a TL;DR version of what’s […]

When Charlie and Ewan Went Electric – Durango95
September 20, 2019 1:12 am

[…] Thanks to Jamie Elvidge […]

Renato Fonseca
Renato Fonseca
September 21, 2019 5:52 pm

It’s all fake. Adventure with 3 support trucks? LOL. Such a waste of time reading about this promo video/pruduction, sad

Marty Ridgeway
Marty Ridgeway
September 23, 2019 4:53 am

Lets see, two support vehicles, Mercedes sprinter vans and 2 bikes per rider, one charging while the other bike is being ridden. Sounds “green” to me. This may very well put a stake thru the heart of the adventure movie. I’m guessing people will stay away in droves.

Ian Stacey
Ian Stacey
September 25, 2019 2:24 am

I think Ewan’s jacket is a Belstaff Trialmaster Pro48 – rather than the Turner, but can’t be sure as the right pocket detail isn’t very clear. The Pro48 is a heavy wax cotton jacket, but has cordura 500 on the shoulders and elbows. Don’t think that the Turner has a Union Flag on the left pocket. Of course, it could be that it’s a special jacket for Mr McGregor and Mr Boorman from Belstaff?

Stephen M Kopp
Stephen M Kopp
September 25, 2019 4:24 pm

I don’t understand why Harley missed their opportunity to highlight the upcoming Pan America. They should’ve prepped a few pre-production models and use this trip as an advertising windfall.
No matter what happens, I will NEVER buy an electric bike to ride the America’s.

Craig Alberhasky
Craig Alberhasky
September 26, 2019 12:03 pm
Reply to  Stephen M Kopp

Never say never. Ride an electric bike and you’ll love it. Eventually the only bikes available will be electric is my guess or at least something other than dirty ICE powered bikes.

Joey Brooks
Joey Brooks
September 25, 2019 8:37 pm

Hopefully will be great, but they will most likely fill the episodes with global cooling, no, global warming, no, climate change CH4 and have Greta meet them on her sailboat for a final “green” episode in LA.

Paul Stone
Paul Stone
September 26, 2019 11:31 am

Hell yeh! This is going to be great to follow. I’m glad they are doing something different.

Craig Alberhasky
Craig Alberhasky
September 26, 2019 12:16 pm

Just think how much cleaner the air would be to breath without gas powered engines by the millions always spewing their poison into the air. The midwest states in the USA left no land for wildlife when ethanol became the thing to mix with petrol and Roundup ready corn kicked production of corn up but killed off the milkweed that Monarch butterflies need for their lifecycle. We’ve all got glyphosates in our cells now thanks to the farmers. Electric vehicles hopefully will spell doom to big oil and I say the sooner the better. Farmers can plant hemp instead and I doubt they will need to use Roundup on hemp. Ewan and Charlie are seeing how viable electric bikes are for long distance riding and I’ll wager they are much better than most think and will get better and better as time passes. Gotta start somewhere.

Art Jeffery
Art Jeffery
September 27, 2019 7:16 am

The two bikes being ridden their 100 mile range at the time won’t consume any fossil fuels but the four chase vehicles and the generator needed to recharge the other two bikes (necessary for any trip over 100 miles) will be swilling down thousands of gallons of fossil fuels. Yes we will see just how viable electric bikes are for long distance travel. Makes sense “LIBERAL SENSE “

Craig Alberhasky
Craig Alberhasky
September 27, 2019 7:36 am
Reply to  Art Jeffery

The liberal use of common sense I’d say. You gotta start somewhere. If Ewan and Charlie’s trip doesn’t interest you because of the electric propulsion of the bikes then why even waste your time remarking about it. Those guys are doing what the rest of us can only dream about. Focus on the information and data they will provide about riding electric bikes because that is what this trip is about otherwise it would be another of the same old same old. We get to see the pro’s can cons of tripping on this new type of bike. I think it is great.

September 27, 2019 7:58 am
Reply to  Art Jeffery

It’s not liberal sense. It’s common sense. It’s just a matter of time…

December 5, 2019 7:27 pm

Check out lithium mines if you want to see pollution and what do you do with those new environmental disaster batteries when we are forced to buy them long live internal combustion

September 27, 2019 8:01 am

Such a shame we can’t follow them on the daily basis. Couple pics, location…

Mister CC
Mister CC
October 4, 2019 11:22 pm
Reply to  Afan

You can follow Itchy Boots daily on YouTube when she starts her Patagonia to Alaska trip in about two weeks. She’s on a Royal-Enfield Himalayan and is all by herself. No support crew.

October 5, 2019 10:32 am
Reply to  Mister CC

Following her since she left India… Pretty sure as much as BMTroubleYou gained in popularity by Long Way Round, Royal Enfield gained with Basanti

October 16, 2019 9:35 pm
Reply to  Mister CC

Yeah! She is doing it hard core for real and not like these two softies – ”their chase crew includes two 4×4 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans and a single Ford F350 (as well as two electric-powered Rivian pickups)’ WHAAAAT?!?! She is a woman, she is all alone, she is doing Patagonia – Alaska. So impressed.

Andrew Ihle
Andrew Ihle
October 13, 2019 7:16 am

Makes zero sense. Electric zero emissions motorcycles with chase vehicle with diesel generators to charge them,,.. What a joke.

Helen Pinky Talbot
Helen Pinky Talbot
December 29, 2019 10:00 am

Why no jimmy on pics? We love jimmy!! X

Helen Pinky Talbot
Helen Pinky Talbot
December 29, 2019 10:02 am

Why no jimmy on the pictures? We live jim!! X


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