Discovering a Central American Paradise – Ometepe Island
Two Female ADV Riders explore the tropical island on their DRZ400S's.

Adventure Riders Andrea and Becky are currently midway through a journey from Alaska to the Southern tip of Argentina. They both chose Suzuki DRZ400S’s for the trip because of their light weight and nimble off-road handling.
Becky and Andrea share videos of their fascinating trip on their YouTube Channel and Blog. Currently, they are on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua. Ometepe was formed by two volcanoes rising out of Lake Nicaragua. Lake Nicaragua is the 19th largest lake in the world and is famous for the bull sharks that swim in its fresh waters.
Ometepe looks like an interesting place to visit with great food and inexpensive living. Andrea and Becky were able to negotiate a rate of $150 USD for a room for the two of them and their visiting friends for a month. Apparently, everyone rides motorcycles on the island. Becky says, “You see people with their babies gripping the handlebars everywhere you go.” Even Andrea’s dentist arrived at her appointment wearing a lab coat on a motorcycle. Cost of the cleaning was only $20.
The girls have been exploring this tropical paradise on their DRZ400S’s, riding the dirt track that circles the island. Numerous side roads allow you to access beautiful secluded beaches where you can set up your hammock and camp for the night.
There is an abundance of natural beauty and wildlife to see on the island. The girls have hiked to waterfalls and up the Maderas Volcano where they saw rainbows, bats, monkeys and butterflies. They even saw ancient petroglyphs created by the original Pre-Columbian inhabitants. Becky and Andrea also watched an Ultra Marathon race where competitors run 60 miles (100 km) up and down both of the island’s Volcanoes in a single day and some runners carry a chicken for the first 3 miles (5 km).
Anyone touring Central America should definitely consider making a stop on Ometepe Island. Check out the recap of their exploration of the island in the video below.
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