The Expedition CV – Apr. 20-24, 2020
Advanced 'field' training to expand your adventure riding experience.

The Expedition CV is Rawhyde’s Level 3 training program and provides a baseline of both knowledge and experience for “real” adventures in the “real world”. This program requires some proficiency in the dirt and Rawhyde strongly advises that you take their level two class (known as the “Next Step”) before embarking on the CV.
The “CV” as Rawhyde calls it, is both the final step and the “missing link” in their Adventure Rider Training. The letters CV are from the Latin phrase “Curricula Vitae” which in modern terms it means a resume but for this program means that RawHyde will help you build a resume of accomplishment as a rider. This program is part expedition preparedness, part education and part vacation. It’s a real life adventure which takes place in the “real world” not the carefully crafted environment of our training school. And to top it all off… this is one cool trip as well.
There are two primary goals for the CV – The first is to provide you with a complete understanding of what preparedness means for backcountry travel. And the second goal is to give you a “measuring stick” of your skills so that as you ride the “real world” you have an understanding of where your abilities lie… and when is the right time to turn around!
As mentioned above this is not only a training program but it’s also a fantastic adventure through the heart of the incredible Mojave Desert, and it provides many opportunities to learn while at the same time affording a great vacation.
The purpose of the Expedition is to expand your riding experience beyond what RawHyde offers with its curriculum-based programs in southern California. The expedition takes place in the deserts of California and Nevada using Death Valley National Park as the centerpiece for the trip. Death Valley is considered to be one of the world’s greatest adventure destinations and many of the Valley’s natural wonders are 50 miles or more in the backcountry at the end of a rough dirt road. Death Valley simply stated is an adventure rider’s dream because there is approximately 150 miles of paved roads in Death Valley and more than 1100 miles of dirt roads and trails.
The Expedition CV is offered quarterly; as a follow up to the RawHyde / BMW Off-Road Academy training program.
For more details and bookings click here.